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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Environmental Geochemistry Group - Prof. Dr. Britta Planer-Friedrich

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News Archive

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2024-10-30"Climate induced microbiome alterations increase cadmium bioavailability in agricultural soils with pH below 7", a collaboration study, is out! ...more
2024-10-07A warm welcome to Environmental Chemistry ...more
2024-04-26Andrea defended her PhD! ...more
2024-03-25Welcome, Sarah! ...more
2024-03-01Welcome, Rachel! ...more
2024-02-22Inbayreuth podcast: "DMMTA is not at all harmless" ...more
2023-12-08“We have detected potentially toxic thioarsenates in most rice products” ...more
2023-11-30Christmas hike 2023 ...more
2023-10-02New group member: welcome, George! ...more
2023-04-11We are hiring! ...more
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