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Past Agenda
|«« «« .. 20 .. 40 .. »» »»|Date | Title | Contact |
Th. 2010-11-18 (16:15-17:45) | BayCEER Colloquium: Impact of microbial activity on arsenic reduction, mobilization and sequestration at the mineral-solution interface [Details] | |
Fr. 2010-11-12 (10:15-12:00) | Group seminar: Arsenic speciation in sulfidic waters: Reconciling contradictory spectroscopic and chromatographic evidence [Details] | Britta Planer-Friedrich |
Fr. 2010-11-05 (10:15-12:00) | Group seminar: Organisation (Internet, shared folder, etc.) | Britta Planer-Friedrich |
Th. 2010-11-04 (16:15-17:45) | BayCEER Colloquium: Pollen-based reconstructions of the late Quaternary vegetation and climate: Numerical approaches and case studies from northern Asia [Details] | |
Th. 2010-10-28 (16:15-17:45) | BayCEER Colloquium: Chemie und Literatur: Ein Abwasserprozess im Roman "Pfisters Mühle" von Wilhelm Raabe [Details] | |
Th. 2010-10-28 (08:15-10:00) | Group seminar: Visit of Prof. Dr. Georg Schwedt | Britta Planer-Friedrich |
We. 2010-10-20 (08:00-10:00) | Group seminar: Introduction Mozhgan Bagheri | Britta Planer-Friedrich |
Th. 2010-10-14-Su. 2010-10-17 | Weiterbildungskurs PhreeqC [Details] | Britta Planer-Friedrich |
We. 2010-07-14 | social events: KinderUni [Details] | Britta Planer-Friedrich, Elke Süß, Regina Lohmayer, Sebastian Schmitt, Sinikka Hinrichsen |
We. 2010-05-19 (19:00-22:00) | social events: Herzogkeller [Details] | Baktiyor Normatov, Britta Planer-Friedrich, Cornelia Härtig, Elke Süß, Irmgard Lauterbach, Jasmine Horter, Julia Arndt, Nathaniel Wilson, Paula Kimmich, Regina Lohmayer, Sasan Rabieh, Sebastian Schmitt, Sinikka Hinrichsen, Sophie Fortenfant, Stefan Will |
Fr. 2010-04-23-Su. 2010-04-25 | social events: Tschechien Exkursion [Details] | Maria Ullrich |
Tu. 2010-03-30-Th. 2010-04-01 | social events: Lab retreat [Details] | Britta Planer-Friedrich, Cornelia Härtig, Elke Süß, Irmgard Lauterbach, Nathaniel Wilson, Regina Lohmayer, Sasan Rabieh, Sinikka Hinrichsen, Sophie Fortenfant, Stefan Will |
Tu. 2010-03-30-Th. 2010-04-01 | Group seminar: Lab retreat [Details] | Britta Planer-Friedrich, Cornelia Härtig, Elke Süß, Irmgard Lauterbach, Nathaniel Wilson, Regina Lohmayer, Sasan Rabieh, Sinikka Hinrichsen, Sophie Fortenfant, Stefan Will |
Th. 2010-03-25 (18:00) | Natur + Wissenschaft: Augenzeugen berichten: Bhutan - ein weißer Fleck auf der Landkarte? [Details] | |
Tu. 2010-03-23 | social events: Feuerlöschübung und Elkes 30.Geburtstag [Details] | Britta Planer-Friedrich, Cornelia Härtig, Elke Süß, Irmgard Lauterbach, Julia Arndt, Maria Ullrich, Paula Kimmich, Regina Lohmayer, Sasan Rabieh, Sinikka Hinrichsen, Sophie Fortenfant, Stefan Will |
Th. 2010-03-18 (18:00) | Natur + Wissenschaft: Augenzeugen berichten: Feinstaub am Nordpol - Klimaforschung im "ewigen" Eis [Details] | |
Th. 2010-02-04 (16:15-17:45) | BayCEER Colloquium: Produzieren Pflanzen tatsächlich Methan? [Details] | |
We. 2009-10-21 | Group seminar: Introduction to the group [Details] | Sophie Fortenfant |
Tu. 2009-06-23 | Group seminar: Biochemistry of garlic and its effects in reducing arsenic toxicity [Details] | Michael Burkard |