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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Environmental Geochemistry Group - Prof. Dr. Britta Planer-Friedrich

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Philipp Knobloch: Theses supervised

Bachelor's Theses
Lukas Hald Potential Arsenic mobilisation in the coastal wetlands Scarlino and Diaccia Botrona, Italy, upon sea level rise (preliminary title)

Supervisor: Philipp Knobloch, Britta Planer-Friedrich
Sarah Bumberger Mobilization of arsenic under abandoned waste disposal sites more

Supervisor: Britta Planer-Friedrich, Philipp Knobloch

Master's Theses
Rachel Abela Peatlands – Sinks or Sources for Arsenic – Role of unknown As species and As-Loss/As-Colloids? (preliminary title)

Supervisor: Britta Planer-Friedrich, Philipp Knobloch
Lan Huong Pham (2021) Occurrence and Sorption Affinity of Methylated Oxy- and Thioarsenates to Natural Organic Matter in Peatlands more

Supervisor: Britta Planer-Friedrich, Philipp Knobloch

Research Moduls
Milagros Galarza Nuñez (2021) Sorption of methylated and methylthiolated arsenates to natural organic matter

Supervisor: Philipp Knobloch
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