Elke Süß
PostdocAt Environmental Geochemistry until 12/2011
e-Mail: elke.suess(at)uni-bayreuth.de
PhD Stipend Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Research Interests
- Arsenic-sulfur speciation with IC-ICP-MS
- Structural characterization of thioarsenates and thioarsenites (X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), ESRF, Grenoble, France, SSRL, Stanford, USA)
- Abiotic formation of thioarsenates and thioarsenites under oxic and anoxic conditions (arsenite-sulfide mixes, leaching of As-S-minerals, leaching of sorbed arsenic species in sulfidic waters)
- Microbial catalyzed formation of arsenic-sulfur species (bacterial strain: MLMS-1, species identification with IC-ICP-MS and XAS)
- Thioarsenate stability in iron containing systems (stability: reaction with iron, effect of UV-irradiation, effect of solution matrix, oxic vs. anoxic conditions; preservation studies)
- Mobilization and immobilization of thioarsenic species from/on iron(hydr)oxides mineral surfaces
- Uptake of different arsenic species by model plant organism (A. thaliana)
- Simple sorption/speciation modelling with PhreeqC
>> Curriculum Vitae
>> Publications
>> Projects
>> Diploma Thesis
>> PhD Thesis
>> Theses supervised