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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Environmental Geochemistry Group - Prof. Dr. Britta Planer-Friedrich

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Sophie FortenfantDr.

Sophie Fortenfant


At Environmental Geochemistry until 09/2010
e-Mail: sophie.fortenfant(at)uni-bayreuth.de

Postdoc position within DFG etrap project

Research Interests

  • Investigation and understanding of the role played by polysulfides in electron transfer processes in anoxic aquifers
  • Development and optimistation of analytical protocols for the analysis of polysulfides at ppm down to subppm levels using HPLC
  • Polysulfide chemistry understanding
  • Experimental study of the solubility behavior of metal and heavy metal in natural environments (Water, minerals...)
  • Development and optimisation of analytical protocols for metal as trace elements in liquid or solid environments using advanced analytical techniques (HPLC, microprobe, LA-ICPMS)

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